Lead your realm to prosperity by choosing your cards wisely.

This demo showcases the core concept of the game and introduces its basic mechanics.

1. Turn Structure and Cards:

The game starts in 3000 BC and ends in 2025 (in this demo, it ends in 1500). Each turn advances time by a certain amount. 

Early on, one turn corresponds to multiple years, whereas later on each turn corresponds to a single year.

On each turn, you receive three cards and must choose one of them. 

The cards come in different rarities: normal, rare, epic, and legendary. On some turns, you may have to pick from three unfavorable cards.

2. Population:

Population in the game grows thanks to fertile terrain and controlled tiles. Additionally, certain cards boost population growth.

3. Morale:

Morale affects not only your army’s fighting spirit but also the types of cards you receive each turn. 

High morale improves combat effectiveness and reduces the risk of negative events, while low morale can lead to harmful effects. 

Make sure your morale does not drop too low. If your morale is too low, you won’t be able to attack other realms, and the risk of civil war will also rise.

4. Money and Income:

Income is generated by tile production, population output, and any additional bonuses. The greater your income, the better you can maintain and grow your army. 

Exercise caution, as hitting zero money weakens both your people’s morale and your army.

5. The Army and Military Power:

Your army defends your realm. You can also use it to attack. Its size depends on the number of soldiers, but the final military power also factors in morale and the level of military tech. 

6. Technology:

Your level of technology determines how effective the cards you can obtain each turn will be. Advancing your technology grants strategic advantages that boost both your military power and economic efficiency.

7. Resources:

Managing resources opens up access to new cards and strengthens your realm. Ensure that your realm has resources like iron or consider purchasing them on the market.

8. Religion and Diplomacy:

Religion influences relationships between realms. Developing religion and maintaining a majority faith can improve diplomacy, open new strategic opportunities, and help avert conflicts. 

Poor relations with other realms can drive away potential trade partners. If your realm is warlike, it may negatively affect how other realms perceive you.

9. Climate and Terrain:

Different climate conditions affect agricultural efficiency and population growth. Some tiles provide more favorable terrain that benefits both population growth and economic development. 

Certain terrains are better suited for specific resources than others.

10. Special Events and Eras:

The game progresses through various eras, during which turn lengths and card themes change. Random events, such as the Black Death, can dramatically impact realms.

11. User Interface:

By clicking the “Statistics” button, you can view detailed information about the realms: population, the size of each realm, and the realm’s power. If you want to know the location of a realm, you can click on it in the statistics window.

Left click on the map opens detailed realm information and right click provides basic information.

Published 3 hours ago
StatusIn development
Made withUnity

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